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Community shed

Our AAA Arts group is having a great time on Fridays this term, working together on an outdoor timber sculpture to brighten up our garden beds on the corner.

The project is utilising scrap timber offcuts, and there has been lots of painting, followed by drilling and screwing going on.

It is fabulous to see participants being so creative, learning new skills and gaining confidence to do new things. We’re very fortunate to have great support for this program with Corrado and Hazel volunteering weekly. It makes such a difference to what we can offer activity-wise.

Keep an eye on our gardens over the next few weeks if you are passing by - to admire the results!

Crunch … mosaics … and a new playgroup…

This coming week is Neighbourhood House Week!

And in a happy coincidence we are starting up three new programs. Such great timing … we should be claiming that it was all deliberate and such, so … let’s just say the universe operates in fortuitous ways (despite our actual lack of planning and foresight)!?!

If you like, you too can join in on the good luck/happenstance vibe that we’re emanating and come along!

10.30am Monday - Grandparents and Carers Playgroup

$10 weekly for a structured playgroup session, all welcome but ideal for grandparents and carers. Book in online here.

1pm Monday - Mosaics Workshop

$120 for 4 weeks. Learn about tiling and grouting and the same time make some beautiful art. Basic tools and materials provided. I think Lee is starting off with house numbers and/or coasters. Book in online here.

12.30pm Thursday - Crunch (creative lunch)

$15 weekly. Get fed! Get creative! Leanne’s cooking. Lee’s making art. Come along for an hour or so of creative escapism, then get on with rest of your day. Please book in online (so we know who is coming). Just click here.

Art classes at ACC

Join Clare on Monday afternoons from 1-3pm or on Thursday evenings from 6.30-8.30pm … and explore your inner artist in a fun, relaxed and supportive small-group setting.

Clare’s classes run for two hours weekly over an 8 week term. The fee is $320.

Class dates are:

  • Monday 29th April - 17th June

  • Thursday 2nd May - 20th June

Contact Clare to enrol online at or you can give her a call to find out more etc., 0423453160.

NHVic conference

Hi Leanne here. Last week I was at the NHVic conference in Creswick. This is an annual conference that is run by our peak body , Neighbourhood Houses Victoria, that enables the 400+ houses across Victoria to come together to learn and discuss and have a fun time!

I started the first day with this amazing sunrise over the RACV golf course … not too shabby hey?

There was a moving smoking ceremony to kick things off.

And lots of fabulous presenters including Leigh Sales … and lots of the houses gave presentations about interesting programs and NHVic gave sector updates on all the things that are currently impacting on houses. All of which I forgot to take photos of …. but then there was a 70s themed gala ball … see below!

I did a presentation this year on placemaking - 30 things that we have done at ACC to make our house have more of a community presence - including all the changes outside and inside, and then I talked about lots of the interactive community arts projects we have run. It was lovely to be able to share ideas with colleagues.

And to illustrate how participatory public art works we made a miniature gallery - portraits of the people who came to my presentation. It turned out great and i have sent it home with the NHVic staff. Hopefully they put it up in their offices as a memory of the conference.

Anyway, it was a super event! There are so many really committed and amazing and kind people in our sector and it is just fabulous to have these opportunities to connect up and learn and support each other.

Mayoral visit etc.

It was super lovely to welcome our colleague Kathy Vrettas from Yarra City Council to our community morning on Friday. And we were delighted that she brought along Cr Edward Crosslands who is the new Yarra Mayor.

The Yarra neighbourhood houses have such a great relationship with Council, and we are always thrilled when staff and councillors come along so we can show off all the exciting things we have been up to - and that deliver on our shared strategic objectives to create great services for our local community.

And … to mark the occasion … I FINALLY took a photo of some of our crafting friends who come along on Fridays with GenU. They have been coming for at least 6 months now, and we really look forward to them attending each week. Such nice people!

If you are interested in craft or gardening - with a good dose of socialising thrown in - our community mornings might be just right for you too! Come along from 10am. All welcome. Lunch is at 12pm.