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connecting our community

Darebin's new community navigation service

Are you or someone you know looking for support or information to get through the COVID-19 pandemic?

Darebin Council has launched a great collaborative initiative that is underpinned by a whole range of emergency relief organisations across the municipality (including us). Darebin has set up a one stop shop where individuals can explain their circumstances and get the care, help, referrals and assistance they need.

Perhaps the callers will end up connected to us, their local neighbourhood house, if what they need is a regular phone call or some shopping picked up for them - a local community connection. But perhaps that’s not really what they’re after. Perhaps they’ll need some legal advice or financial counselling. In which case Darebin will connect them to other services in the municipality .. and beyond.

This new community navigation service is now up and running so please share it with those that are not sure how to start accessing the information and services they need - and would feel most comfortable beginning this conversation with Council.
